What Is The Procedure Of Root Canal Treatment

There are several steps to perform root canal  treatment.


  Clinical examination and x-ray

Before starting root canal treatment affected tooth is carefully examined and x-ray are taken to see the extent of carious lesion in tooth structure, extent of infection in bone, anatomy of  tooth pulp chamber, shape ,number, curvature and length of roots.


   Anesthesia to numb tooth

If tooth is vital, then it is necessary to numb tooth by local anesthesia to make treatment comfortable for patient. If tooth is nonvital, there is no need to anesthetize the tooth.

procedure of root canal treatment RCT


  Gaining access to the nerve area of the tooth (Root canal opening)

The dentist needs to access that area inside your tooth where the nerve tissue resides to start your root canal treatment. This is accomplished by using a dental drill and making an "access cavity" that extends down to the pulp chamber of the tooth. On posterior teeth this hole is made on the chewing surface of the tooth. On front teeth the access hole is made on the tooth's backside.


  Placing a rubber dam

A dental dam — a thin sheet of rubber or vinyl — will be placed over the affected and adjacent teeth. The tooth undergoing treatment protrudes through a hole punched in the dam, isolating it from the rest of the mouth. This allows the root canal treatment to be carried out in a sterile environment free from contamination by bacteria found in saliva or the rest of the mouth. It save time, make treatment faster and safer. It is more comfortable for patient as well as for dentist.  It enhance the success rate of dental treatment


   Cleaning the tooth

The next step of the root canal treatment process is to clean out the interior of your tooth (the pulp chamber and all root canals). This cleaning process removes any bacteria, toxins, nerve tissue, and related debris that are harbored inside your tooth.

Most of the part of cleaning process is accomplished by using "root canal files" and copious irrigation. Root canal files look like straight pins with rough surface. These instruments literally are files and are used as such. There are series of root canal files, each of increasing diameter, up and down in your tooth while simultaneously using a twisting motion. This action will scrape and scrub the sides of the tooth's root canal(s) and thus cleans it out.


As an additional part of the cleaning process, we will wash your tooth periodically ("irrigate" the tooth) so to help flush away any debris that may present. Traditionally, a number of different solutions have been used for this purpose. Nowadays, sodium hypochlorite is commonly used. An added benefit of sodium hypochlorite is that it is a disinfectant.


   Determining the length of root canal

Radiographs are important for root canal treatment. Throughout a root canal treatment we will need several x-ray pictures of the tooth to determine the position of the instruments and filling material inside the canals. Now days, latest technology Apex locator is used to determine length of root canal. At our clinic, we use Root Zedex apexlocator, world’s no. 1 brand in apex locator.


  Instrumentation used for root canal treatment

The root canals are identified and then cleaned out with special root canal instruments. Some are used by hand; others rotate in a hand piece( rotary endodontic system). They all have the function of removing debris from the canal and smoothing and shaping the walls of the canals to create a smooth, clean surface along the entire length of the tooth root canal. The canals are constantly rinsed to aid in debris removal and canal sterilization. In some, but not all root canal cases, the canals may be dressed with various medications and sealed with a temporary filling material to allow time for the infection to clear.


Sealing is done in root canals (Obturation)

Once the tooth root canals are suitably cleaned and shaped and infection free they can be sealed off. A root filling material (usually a rubbery material called gutta percha) is placed into each canal with a special sealer with the help of 3D obturation system.


  Final restoration becomes important in root canal process

Placing a suitable final restoration is almost as important as the root treatment itself. If the restoration leaks bacteria can migrate down the side of the root sealer and re-infect the tooth. Commonly, composite filling is used for post root canal filling.


In case of badly carious tooth, where there is no sufficient tooth structure to retain filling material, we will have to build up a foundation to strengthen the tooth and support the crown. This procedure is called post and core. A post is a fibre post.


Finally, a crown is made and cemented onto the tooth. If a post and core have been placed in the tooth, the crown is then cemented over the post and core.

Read More FAQ – All About Root Canal Treatment

  • What Is Procedure Of Root Canal Treatment?


If you need Root Canal Treatment (RCT) in Jamnagar, Dr. Bharat Katarmal is experienced painless root canal treatment specialist in single visit. We can help you to get rid of toothache and save your natural tooth. To schedule your appointment at Dr. Bharat Katarmal Dental clinic at Jamnagar, please call at 9714290071.

root canal treatment at Jamnagar Gujarat

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