How Long does Dental Bridge Last for?



The durability of dental bridge depends on so many factors like type of dental material used to make dental bridge, method of fabrication of dental bridge, proper preparation of abutment teeth by dentist, skill of dental technician, force factor generated by masticatory muscle of jaw, type of food patient eat, quality and handling of dental luting cement. Dental bridge can last five to 15 years and even longer. With good oral hygiene and regular checkups, it is not unusual for the life span of a bridge to be over 10 years.

Read More FAQ – All About Dental Bridge



Are you missing one or more teeth? Are you unhappy with present bridge? We can help you to start smile again. After examining your teeth and mouth, we can help you. To arrange your appointment at Dr. Bharat Katarmal Dental and Implant clinic at Jamnagar, please call at 9714290071.

best dental clinic for fix teeth at Jamnagar

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