Dental Treatment in Ayushman Card or Insurance Cover in India


Do you agree that dental treatment should be covered in ayushman card or insurance in India?

If yes, then please sign this petition. By signing this petition, you can help yourself and other great numbers of people in India. Your support matters.

This petition is filed by Keval Shah on ,website which works for raising awareness and influencing decision-makers.



Petition Matter:

Recent research suggests that oral health which constitutes the health of gums, teeth, tongue, TM joint, saliva and the oral microbiome, has a huge impact on many systemic diseases like Diabetes mellitus Dementia, Alzheimer's and also life-threatening ones like heart attack and stroke.

The researchers have been able to identify a direct link between oral health and overall health. In such a scenario the apathy that pervades towards oral/dental health in society must be changed. The government, may it be state or central, and the insurance companies must put both medical and dental health on the same pedestal. This petition is a step towards that, we want more and more people besides Dental surgeons to sign this petition. Healthcare procedures in Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission and force Insurance companies to mainstream Dental Insurance coverages across India.

Keeping in mind the fact that many patients cannot afford this dental treatment, it would be of great help if Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission and other Insurance companies were to provide more importance to dental health.

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