Treatment of Dental Caries


Treatment of Dental Caries with Tabletop LiDiSi E-Max
Treatment of Dental Caries with Tabletop LiDiSi E-Max || Metal Free Crown

This boy is 14 years old, came with complaint of carious teeth molar and black carious spots in front teeth. It is case of enamel hypoplasia. The enamel of all front teeth and all first molars are congenitally defective. All his front teeth defects was treated with cosmetic tooth colored composit in conservative manner and one first molar treated with LiDiSi tabletop restoration.

Carious Molar Tooth
Carious Molar Tooth 

Tabletop Preparation of LiDiSi
After Removal of Decay || Tabletop Preparation of LiDiSi

Temporarisation for Tabletop with Revotek LC
Temporarisation for Tabletop || Revotek LC 

Isolation with Rubber dam before Bonding of Tabletop
Isolation with Rubber dam before Bonding of Tabletop

After Bonding of Tabletop Restoration on Molar
After Bonding of Tabletop Restoration on Molar || LiDiSi 

Before After Treatment of Carious Molar Tooth with Tabletop Restoration at Jamnagar
Before After Treatment of Carious Molar Tooth with Tabletop Restoration at Jamnagar

Treatment of Amelogenesis Imperfecta with composite Filling
Treatment of Amelogenesis Imperfecta with Composite Filling

Treatment of Amelogenesis Imperfecta with composite Filling
Treatment of Amelogenesis Imperfecta with composite Filling

Treatment of Amelogenesis Imperfecta with composite Filling
Treatment of Amelogenesis Imperfecta with composite Filling

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