Are Dental Implant Painful

Does Dental Implant painful

Any people are anxious about getting a dental implant. Naturally, there is some fear. The first thing that may come to your mind when you hear about dental implants would be pain!!! We say this because the most common question that we are asked about dental implants or rather most of the dental procedures is, “How much it’s going to hurt?”, or “Are dental implants painful?”. Well, in all honesty, most of the times they are not painful barring few rare occurrences.

All of this drilling and screwing may sound painful, but you’ll be comforted to know that placing an implant is easier than taking a tooth out for patient of view. You shouldn’t feel any pain during the surgery, Usually, a local anaesthesia is used, which means you are awake during the surgery. After the surgery and for a few days you will likely experience some pain in gums and pain at the implant site. With proper care and medicine this pain is completely manageable.

Because this is a major dental surgery, it’s important to choose a surgeon with experience who can provide gentle care, such as Dr. Bharat Katarmal. Our patients are very happy with their dental implants and report very little pain and discomfort.

Call us at 9714290071 to schedule your consultation about dental implants. We want to give you a healthy smile you love and offer personalized and inviting care!

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